CollegePrep Gold Tier Counseling
The 9th grade cohort for the 2024-25 school year is now full. Please reach out to us at info@EduAvenues.com if interested to discuss alternative paths.
Tuition: $8200/year
Academic Planning
4-Year Course Planning; selecting the right coursework
GPA Calculator that is school-agnostic; includes weighted and unweighted GPA
Dual Enrollment Courses, AP Courses, and IB Courses
How to align coursework to create a "narrative"
Personalized course recommendations and adjustments
Extracurriculars, Research, and Summer Programs
List of 176 extracurricular opportunities across engineering, business, pre-med, nursing, computer science, and humanities, ranked by prestige
How to select extracurriculars that stand out
Maximize your extracurricular opportunities
List of 250+ ideas for independent projects and quantifiable metrics
How to find internships and summer opportunities
Finding research opportunities; publishing in peer-reviewed research journals
Cold-Email Research Networking Template for Professors
Unlimited summer and internship program application reviews
Personalized guidance on the creation of independent project
Standardized Testing
Understanding AP Exams, IB Exams, DSAT, ACT, TOEFL (for international students)
Compiled List of Digital SAT Practice Exams, ACT and DSAT reference materials
College Selection and Admissions Insights
Access to real Harvard Admissions Scoring Guide and admissions data analysis
The Common Data Set and "Demonstrated Interest"
Understanding international universities, including the UK, Canada, and Asia
Developing a balanced list of reaches, targets, and safeties
Personalized recommendations for university selection
Financial Aid and Paying for College
Understanding the FAFSA and CSS profile: maximize federal and non-federal aid
List of 100+ merit and need-based scholarships
How to negotiate financial aid at private institutions
Unlimited scholarship program application reviews
Profile Boosters
Resume creation guide; template, and 5 examples
LinkedIn profiles, how to use networking to propel your career opportunities
How to network with college admissions officers to get your foot in the door
Complete Resume and LinkedIn Reviews
Applying to College​​
Ace your college admissions interview; guide + sample questions and responses
Writing the Common Application Personal Statement
Writing Supplemental Essays
University of California, Texas, and International Schools
How to receive the best letter of recommendation from teachers and counselors
How to make your activities and honors lists stand out
How to handle unique situations and personal circumstances affecting application
Restrictive Early Action vs. Early Decision 1 & 2 vs. Early Action vs. Regular Decision
Waitlist/deferral letter assistance
Understanding HS and NCAA athletics, athletic recruiting, and scholarships
Referrals to external tutors for academic support or internal PrepWise Tutoring
Priority advising support through our Q&A forum, Email, and WhatsApp Text
White Glove Treatment: Priority advising support via text
Specialized resources for TJHSST students
2 planning sessions per month with Admissions Consultant during academic year
Access to our complete “How to Study” course
Access to our Pre-MedPrep course